For Sale Sparkling Fairy Princess Wings (More Colors...) Select Color: Blue
I've deep researched information about Sparkling Fairy Princess Wings (More Colors...) Select Color: Blue. So, I guarantee that here is the cheapest Sparkling Fairy Princess with special offers you can't miss. That's why most people buy Lil Princess through this page.
Sparkling Fairy Princess Wings (More Colors...) Select Color: Blue this product is a lot people search and Sparkling Fairy Princess have sold by trusted site we are Guarantee. We already surveyed Lil Princess have been popular and is cheap price now.
Here are some of the great features of Sparkling Fairy Princess Wings (More Colors...) Select Color: Blue
Sparkling Fairy Princess, The prettiest blue girls fairy costume wings. This well packaged pair is perfect for a little fairy princess. Great for butterfly costumes too. Add a tutu and a crown or halo and she will be all dressed up for play. Great packaged and fantastic gift idea for your Lil Princess.
- Elastic staps to fit over her shoulders like a backpack
- Dazzling blue glittery pattern thoughout wings.
- Wings Measure approx 18" x 16"
- Fine Blue feather in the center for added style
- Perfect Butterfly and fairy costume accessory.
Sparkling Fairy Princess Review. Your Guide to Find Best Price Sparkling Fairy Princess Wings (More Colors...) Select Color: Blue on Sale. Great Deal for Black Friday 2011.